
This monography is the product of a cross-border INTERREG project between Upper Austria and the Czech Republic, more precisely between FH Upper Austria and VSTE with the aim to foster foreign language skills and intercultural competence. In this monography, it was attempted to compile interesting contributions along the lines of content and language integrated learning, multimedia learning, didactical approaches in international classrooms, graduate employability and linguistic diversity in higher education. In this sense, it is sought to further spur the current debate around internationalization and globalization trends and the role of higher education in times of ever-changing labour market needs and its corresponding requirements that ensure graduate employability.

Hence, this compilation addresses a wide variety of topics that range from intercultural skills and transversal competencies, cultural and practical knowledge, foreign language skills, communication competencies and didactical methods.

On behalf of the entire project management team and the well-chosen authors of this publication we wish you an interesting read.